The only thing we have to fear is fear itself ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

It’s currently an era of explotation, forcing individuals and businesses to open their pocket books. And it’s not limited to individuals and businesses; schools, hospitals, law enforcement, and even government websites are not immune to ransom opportunity. Gone are the days of hackers hacking a website for fun and glory, performing simple website defacings and ddos attacks. Now financial profit drives them.

Ransom attacks are bold. Encryption is now used as a weapon, holding individuals’ and companies’ critical data hostage. Hackers will penetrate a website’s security and lay in wait until some critical data has been encrypted and stored and that is when they will strike. You won’t know they are there until it’s too late. Ransom attacks are precise. Attackers know exactly how much the data is worth versus paying someone to try to recover past data or rebuild the website outright.

How can Pacific Web Techs help you or your organization?

We are website security experts. We have over 20 years of website experience. We analyze your entire website structure as well as your processes. Contact us today for your FREE website security analysis. We'll show you where your vulnerabilities are and make our recommendations to "lock-down" your website. Continue your protection with one of our flexible maintenance plans.

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